Diaries of a Tired Gen Z Girl — October 2021

A series where I get out all my thoughts and feelings about this wild world we live in.

2 min readOct 6, 2021
at the beach

I wrote one of these a couple months ago and I have more thoughts so here goes nothing.

Dear World (or whoever is reading this),

I need to get off my phone. I’m on it too much. My phone screen time used to average out to 2 or 3 hours a day. Now? Now, it’s up to 5 or even 6 hours every day. I don’t even know how this is possible. I am actually dumbfounded at the number. It’s not even like I’m not getting stuff done. I finish my to-do list every day. I do my job. I workout. I eat 3 meals. So, how am I on my phone for 5 to 6 hours?

Part of me thinks I shouldn’t be hard on myself for this. We live in a weird wild world where our phones are a connection point to the rest of the world. The pandemic has made the internet a necessity and I guess I just can’t get off my phone anymore. I am also the person who has reflected so much on social media and have even written an article about things to do rather than scrolling on Instagram. But here I am, back in my comfy spot where I stare at my screen all day.

I have a personal vendetta against the infinite scroll. I read somewhere that the person that created it kinda hates himself for doing so. It’s so bizarre. Even as I’m scrolling, I am fully aware of the fact that it’s bad for me. I can feel my attention span getting shorter and shorter every day. There’s this little voice in my head that tells me to stop but my thumb keeps swiping. I might be addicted to the infinite scroll.

I don’t know, maybe it’s a sign that there are other things in my life that need to be looked at. I tend to scroll most right before bed. I’m tired but I keep scrolling. I guess I’m addicted to that little hit of dopamine I get every time I watch a new reel.

I wish websites had closing hours. I’m not really sure what I want to do about this “problem” I think I have. I kinda like the idea of closing off my access to social media after 9pm. Maybe I’ll try that out and let you know how it goes.



