New Beginnings in New York

This year has been full of its up and downs, but I’ve gotta say, right now, I am feeling like I am at an up point. I know that moving to a new city doesn’t really make any of your problems go away, but the change in pace has really brought some much needed light into my life (at least for now). I’ve been planning on moving to New York for many months, but due to a mix of unforeseen circumstances, I pushed my move date to the end of March. I am so thankful and grateful for the season of Spring and my roommates, who have made my move extremely smooth.
I took the past few days off of work so that I could settle in (this was a really good move and I would recommend it to anyone moving, especially to a new city). At first, New York was overwhelming. In my very suburban lifestyle in Massachusetts, I was used to seeing no more than 5 people a day. The minute I stepped outside of my car in Manhattan, I saw over 10 people within 30 seconds. After a couple of hours of walking around and moving my stuff in, I started to get used to the number of people and the pace of life.
To be honest, I’ve really missed the busyness and chaos that makes up a city. In a mere 5 minutes of walking in New York, you get to see 5 very different outfits, and hear 5 parts of different conversations in 5 different languages. It’s kinda beautiful that we are all existing in this space together and walking around the city tends to bring me out of my head and back into reality.
After my dad passed away, the thing I struggled with the most, and thing I continue to struggle with is my sense of reality and being present in the current moment. I want to continue finding ways to stay grounded in my new routine here in New York, and I have a feeling that it’s not going to be hard. Part of me doesn’t want to move on with my life. That sounds kinda crazy but the further I move away from my dad’s passing, I miss him more, and feel more guilty for continuing on with my life. I also want to find ways to keep him close as I navigate this new city with my new problems.
On a lighter note, I have really enjoyed the past few days in this city. I thought I was going to feel too overwhelmed and lonely, but I’ve felt the exact opposite. I am so excited to spend all of my money and try new things. The sheer amount of food establishments makes me want to put my entire paycheck towards eating out every meal (don’t worry I won’t actually do this). Living on my own has given me a newfound sense of purpose that makes me want to move forward in my life no matter what is going on around me.
Thanks for continuing to read my random articles, and if you are planning on moving somewhere new in the near future, I wish you the best of luck ❤