Midyear Goals Check-in — 2022

Let’s see what’s been going on.

3 min readJul 14, 2022

I haven’t really checked into the “goals” I set for myself in the beginning of the year. It feels like a pretty good halfway point right now to check-in and see what I’ve been up to.


I’ll go through each of the loose intentions I set for myself in January.

Feel present in each moment

A toughie for me always. I seem to always be caught up in the past or future. I’ve tried really hard in the past 6 months to enjoy the current moment I’m in. This has involved me being more spontaneous and allowing myself to say yes to things I wouldn’t usually say yes to. I’ve also tried to be observant in the present moment, letting my thoughts go in and out. I think it’s been a pretty successful year so far for this intention.

Create more stuff with my hands

I really wanted to do more in person stuff this year and I have definitely succeeded at least a little bit. I took a 6 week wheel throwing pottery class and it was SO FUN. I found myself getting really into it and went in to practice more than just the allotted class times. I’ve also been trying to cook more, which is definitely a hands on task. I love cutting things and watching them cook in a pan.

Stay connected with old friends + new friends

I always feel like I could do better in this field. This year has been very social for me, almost a little too much. I’ve felt a little overwhelmed at points with how many people I’m interacting with. I want to do a better job being more intentional and initiating more hangouts. I’ve always kinda been bad at that and this year hasn’t been much better for me initiating hangouts.

Surround myself with more art

In February and March I was on a huge art museum kick. I want to get back into that once it gets a bit colder out. I find museums to be a fun place to be in the fall and winter seasons. Art is also in many more places than just museums. It would be cool to get into sketching scenes that I observe just by sitting in a park or something.

Give back to the community I live in

I really wish I could do more in this category. I’ve been slacking here for sure. I’ve tried to donate to local East Village orgs but I want to do more hands on things for the community. I’ll be starting a mentorship program in Manhattan soon that I’m excited about.

The 2022 Vision Board

I kinda forgot that I made this. This is actually so cool because I have really tried to do a lot of the things I put on here. I ended up going to so many new places: Costa Rica, Big Sur, Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and Montreal (not a new place for me). I took a ceramics class and went to a lot of art museums. I ran a lot in the beginning of the year until the half marathon. Haven’t run since then but want to get back into it when the weather cools down. I have spent a lot of time outside and at the beach.

A lot of the other stuff I haven’t done is on my summer bucket list. I want to host a dinner party and make fun drinks like sangria and fun food like biryani. I WANT TO USE MY DAMN FILM CAMERA. I forgot about that thing and it’s actually fun so I gotta get back into that.

Looking back at this vision board, I definitely want to do this again next year. Visually setting goals is a really powerful tool and I think it’s very influential for me and how I work as a person.

