May was an absolute blur. I couldn’t tell you where the time went. It got so hot in the past week. This memorial day felt like the true opening of summer and I’m excited. For me, May is flowers, May is rain and May is a time to recharge my energy. My body feels like it is prepping itself for a fruitful summer. This month was surprisingly relaxing. I got to read more, go to bed early and spend time with myself and my friends. There are some looming dates coming up next month but I am trying to be confident in myself and in the fact that good things are going to happen.
- nespresso + water cocktail for my plants — I learned this hack on instagram and it feels like my plants love this little beverage
- soaking up sunshine at the beach
- rain ❤ thunderstorms at night have been so welcome
- long walks with friends
- shogun by hulu- mariko sama did such a good job with her acting role
- going to bed by 10pm and waking up early. I love going to bed early in the Summer and waking up early. I have really stopped revenge sleep procastinating and it has made me an infinitely happier person
- game nights!! I haven’t played clue in a while but it was so fun!
- union pool in brooklyn and photobooths. such a cute spot 12/10 recommend.
- spending time in your childhood home
- quinn xcii’s new album
- nothing matters by the last dinner party
- the new york city apartment search — I wrote a whole article on this but this city is brutal.
- ++ moving!!!!!!! moving is lame. I’m in disbelief that I’m moving so soon and I’m nervous about it.
- cybertrucks ew so ugly!
- heavy duvet covers are out light sheets are in.
- not communicating your needs
- saying yes to everything when your social battery is drained — this month, I spent a ton of time alone and it has been so good for my mental health. Just lying in bed and reading really fills my soul.
- air conditioning units teehee. I’m not putting her in. I refuse!!
Reflecting on my months is so good for my mental health. Time is flying by and stopping to think about what I’ve done in the month makes me so much more grateful for my life. I did so much this month! and it was so fun! I really do feel like I got to enjoy a lot of little things that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. This is making me excited for the summer. My word for this summer is Love. I want to lead with love in different parts of my life. Cheers to love ❤